Grace is a favour that God shows towards us without measure. He loves us and wants us to know about His grace. Grace is a characteristic of God. God is a gracious God. Grace is a part of God's very nature. Grace is an attribute of God. He would no longer be God without his grace. This grace we could never earn on our own and we do not deserve His grace in the first place. But God showed us how much He loved us by sending His Son Jesus Christ into this world (John 3:16). He gives His grace freely to all those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. Grace can be described as:
G-Godly R-Riches A-At C-Christ's E-Expense
Grace is God's undeserved favour and unmerited love. It is God's blessing on man when he is not bound to bless, and when he has no obligation to bless. On man's part this grace of God is utterly undeserved. It depends on a free decision of God and not on any worthiness at all in man. It exclusively comes to sinners through the Lord Jesus Christ. If a judge freed a guilty prisoner that would be his mercy. If he paid his fine that would be his kindness, but if he adopted him into his family and made him his son and heir that would be his grace. The Lord Jesus restoring Peter after he denied him and saying to him, "Feed my sheep" is an example of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The way he continually forgives our own familiar pattern of sins is because of his limitless grace. The grace of God is his great heart of love.
Imagine the Creator of all things and the Lord of all creation, forsook His riches for our sake. He became poor, so that we could become rich (2 Cor 8:9). This is not earthly or temporal blessings, but it is about God's riches of love we are blessed with, it is the Divine grace. Grace was made available to us as He bore our sins on the Cross and took our spiritual bankruptcy upon Himself, that we might be able to partake of His spiritual richness (Eph 3:17-19).We have been redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ, had our sins forgiven, according to the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7). Apostle Paul was greatly marveled at the people for deserting God so 'quickly', who called them by the grace of Christ, and were following a different gospel (Gal 1:6).The truth that salvation is by God's grace humbles us, but it also exalts our God. It gives God all the glory. When a sinner sees this he doesn't say, "I think I made the smartest choice a man could make. I chose eternal life." He knows that it was the mighty God who set his love on him. God knew all about us; he had seen the file. He understands us better than our own spouses or parents, but he still loves us with a love that continually forgives and will never let us go.
Grace is not a sentiment or a divine attitude or feeling. Grace is God's omnipotence saving and sanctifying his people. Grace is strength. Grace is the total commitment of God. He holds nothing back. He spares not his own Son. With him he freely gives us all things. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians tell them about his thorn in the flesh, and how the Lord refused to remove it. Paul knew constant weakness, distress and tribulation. He longs for deliverance but he was told this by the Lord, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." The grace of Christ is the strength of Christ upholding his hurting servants. His grace can change every circumstance, and strengthen every weakness, and cheer every distress, and lift every burden, and bear every responsibility, and handle every privilege.
Whatever may happen in life or in death; whatever may take place in any conceivable situation or circumstances, whatever may be your lot, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be sufficient. It will hold you, it will sustain you, it will even enable you to rejoice in tribulation, it will strengthen you, establish you, hold you, keep you, answer your every need and take you through. Ultimately it will present you faultless, perfect, in glory in the presence of God. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen"
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